For children below 4 years, we have a nursery with both paid staff and volunteers. The nursery is open from 10:15 AM on Sunday morning and operates till the end of service in the main hall.
AGES 4-10
Baku International Fellowship offers Children’s Church for children, ages 4 to 10 on most Sundays. Children are dismissed for Children’s Church immediately following the worship singing, and have short, age-appropriate lessons during the normal sermon. please note that there will be no Children’s Church during the month of July.
Typically the children meet briefly together for an overview of the lesson of the day, and then break up into two groups based on age: 4 to 6 and 7 to 10. Each group has one or more volunteer teachers and helpers – all of whom have read and signed a statement of agreement with our Child Security Standards (which are available upon request) as well as the BIF statement of faith.
Lessons may include teaching and discussion, arts and crafts, memory verses, and/or games. The only official curriculum is the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, but teachers use a variety of supporting materials, and collaborate on similar themes.
AGES 11-14
For those children in this age group, we have a “Tween” class that meets on most Sundays during the sermon. Some parents may want their tweens to stay in the main auditorium and listen to the sermon which is completely fine. But this group provides an alternative for those 11 to 14-year old who would prefer a small group Bible study time with peers, and whose parents also believe this is the best option for them on Sunday mornings during the sermon.